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Sierra Liver Foundation is registered with the office of registrar General and Corporate Affairs Commission. Our Certificate of Incorporation No is SL070818SIERR03685and the TIN No. is 1083709-1. In Sierra Leone, West Africa, Sierra Liver Foundation is the first to fully register our organization and we are leaders in the fight against liver disease. We advance the interests of people affected by Hepatitis and other related liver diseases through individual and team achievements.
We welcome opportunities for change, growth and collaboration. New ideas and creative solutions are encouraged, and we are willing to take calculated risks

Organizational Profile
Sierra Liver Foundation is a Voluntary Non-Profit Charitable and Civil Society Advocacy Organization in Sierra Leone which has a focus in the health of the Liver and other Viral and infectious Diseases, we work towards Preventive effort, Safety Practices, Care, Risk Reduction Management, and facilitating access to information and needed Supports/aids to the Vulnerable patients of our reach for assistance at Free or Low Cost services to save life and humanity in time

Our Mission
Our Mission is to provide comprehensive, effective and accessible services and resources for the prevention, management, treatment and cure of liver disease and hepatitis for all people living everywhere in Sierra Leone

Our Objectives
·         Educate the general public and medical practitioners regarding all aspects of prevention and treatment of liver disease.
·         Support patients suffering from liver disease and all those involved in caring for them.
·         Influencing people to help formulate public health measures aimed at preventing liver diseases.
·         Support research into the causation, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of liver.
·         Promote the concept of organ donation in general and help the setting up of a liver transplantation program in particular.
·         It also works towards promoting the concept of cadaver organ donation and setting up a successful of the art liver transplantation programme

Formation Preamble
In Sierra Lone resources for testing and treatment are constrained, provider and public awareness about viral hepatitis is lacking, capacity to diagnose and treat viral hepatitis is limited, and transmission of HBV and HCV resulting from unprotected sex, unsafe injection and traditional practices continues to occur.
Since its inception SiLiFo has attempted to spread awareness about preventable hepatic diseases and reaching out to people suffering from chronic or advanced diseases through:
·         Various educational and Training Programmes including seminars,
·         Patient support groups
·         Mobilizing funds for providing treatment to patients at considerably subsidized rates
·         Campaigns for promoting organ donation and other activities.
·         Campaigning for Hepatitis B vaccine to all medical students and para-medical entrants.

Our Activities
The activities of Sierra Liver Foundation (Silifo) not only to address the needs of patients with liver disease and their families but also seek to promote awareness and better understanding of liver disease among health professionals and the general public. The Object(s) for which the Organization was established are:- 
·      Focuses on Liver and other Organs’ Health Campaigns, (Kidney, Heart, Lungs) etc.
·      Hepatitis and other Viral and infectious Diseases Awareness Raising, (HIV/AIDS, Syphilis) etc. 
·      Advocacy and Human Rights, We deal with human right issues especially Women, Children and the youths
·      Mental Health Advocacy 
·      Focus on Non Violence campaigns
·      Community Development Programs
·      Women and Children Care
·      Skills Training and Youth Empowerment
·      Training of Medical lab Technicians and Nurses for Research Programs,
·      Deals in Pharmaceutical Drugs and Natural Products for Hepatitis and other Viral and Infectious Diseases
·      Hospital Construction and operation for patients with Hepatitis and other Viral and Infectious Diseases
·      Capacity Building and Organizational Development
·      Social Research and Resource Mobilization
·      Health Delivery Services including HIV/AIDS sensitization, Ebola Response and Nutrition
·      Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion
·      Food Security and Poverty Alleviation
·      Partnership Drive
·      Entertainment and Cultural Affairs, Film Making and Musical Promotion


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