Sierra Liver Foundation is registered with the office of registrar General and Corporate Affairs Commission. Our Certificate of Incorporation No is SL070818SIERR03685 and the TIN No. is 1083709-1 . In Sierra Leone, West Africa, Sierra Liver Foundation is the first to fully register our organization and we are leaders in the fight against liver disease. We advance the interests of people affected by Hepatitis and other related liver diseases through individual and team achievements. We welcome opportunities for change, growth and collaboration. New ideas and creative solutions are encouraged, and we are willing to take calculated risks Organizational Profile Sierra Liver Foundation is a Voluntary Non-Profit Charitable and Civil Society Advocacy Organization in Sierra Leone which has a focus in the health of the Liver and other Viral and infectious Diseases, we work towards Preventive effort, Safety Practices, Care, Risk Reduction Management, and facilitating access to inform...
Liver Disease and Other Viral and Infectious Diseases are the Causes of Early Death and SILENT KILLER IN SIERRA LEONE